Join our team to educate the talents of the future.

AI is already in our lives, but not just our lives, but also in our children’s. Kids are already using AI and exposed to AI without realizing it, from Tik Tok, Instagram, Siri, YouTube, smart phones..).

At the moment there are not enough initiatives to create awareness of the impact of AI for our future generations. BAIKE would like to leverage the passion and brainpower of the over 12000 engineers and scientists on the High Tech Campus by organizing multilingual workshops and awareness workshops in the AI Innovation Center!

Our inspiration

“Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change our world”

 – Nelson Mandela

Join our mission

We are looking for

  1. Passionate AI enthusiasts who are willing to help with content creation

  2. People who want to help organize workshops for kids

  3. People who want to deliver and share knowledge

Upcoming activities

The first two fieldtrips will take place on the 11th and 18th of November. The fieldtrips will run from 9:00am to 12:00pm.

In order to make it happen we need volunteers to guide the groups around the High Tech Campus while inspiring them by sharing cool facts about the campus and the companies that reside here. We need volunteers who are energetic, really enjoy working with children and are able to communicate in Dutch. 



Sign-me up as a volunteer!

Register here


We're a group of enthousiasts who love to educate and prepare the younger generation for the future. AI is essential in ours live and we can make some time to contribute for the better good. As a team we're planning and organizing our events by having regular meetings and communication via Slack. If you're as enthousiastic as we are, join our team, join our mission!

Karina Garcia del Real
Quote by Karina
Meng Dou
Quote by Meng
Isabel van der Kolk
Since I don’t look like every other girl, it takes a while to be okay with that. To be different. But different is good. By Serena Williams
Jeroen de Haas
“I have never tried it before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” - Pippi L
Gareth Thomas
"I am what I am because of who we all are”
Shujohn Ahmed
'Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.' — Dalai Lama XIV
Victor Donker
We need to educate kids how to deal with the pace of tech development